Pink dress by Frederick Basile

Pink dress by Frederick Basile

The picture “Pink dress” can be attributed to the category of works representing the impressionistic direction of the early period, despite the distinctly marked tradition of the technique. The fixed moment looks natural, the pose of the young girl bribes with ease, and her figure here is not for staffing, but represents the core of the composition.

The combination of contrasts, especially pink and black, as well as a careful study of color and lighting, represent a successful creative find, thanks to which Basil managed to move freely from work in the studio to open air. A black apron in a girl’s outfit, here, most likely, serves to solve the color contrast.

Embodiment on the canvas noble elegance and refinement of the female figure helped the painter Teresa de Hor, who acted as a model, and her aristocratic charm does not hide even the pose turned to the spectator with her back.