Wanderer by Vasily Perov

The wanderer in Russia is the embodiment of the biblical “poor in spirit”, with whom the Kingdom of Heaven is promised. People of this breed have always been treated with

Otpety by Vasily Perov

The work of Vasily Perov from the 70s of the 19th century is firmly connected with the theme of the Pugachev rebellion, which shook the whole of Russia with its

Botanist by Vasily Perov

After ostrosotsialnoy subjects in his work Vasily Grigorievich Perov wrote his work “Botanist”. Finally, after experiencing disappointments, the author returns to the beautiful nature. A series of his paintings from

Savoyar by Vasily Perov

During his trip to Europe, Perov worked hard. Inspiration as if left him. Each smear was given with difficulty. Once in a strange environment for him, the artist tries to

On the railroad by Vasily Perov

Thousands of kilometers of railways cut across the country, a locomotive rushing forward with frantic power, ready to transport cargo with unprecedented speed and deliver people from one city to

Meal by Vasily Perov

Vasily Grigorievich Perov – an outstanding master of the 1860-1870s, whose theme of creativity was the exposure of the imperfections of modern society. His painting reflected the worried Russian intelligentsia

Amateur by Vasily Perov

The picture “Amateur” is written in a satirical style. But satire is also different. This picture, I think, shows the good side of this genre. The work turned out a

Fishing by Vasily Perov

The picture produces a somewhat “etude” impression. One feels some incompleteness, incompleteness. Being an avid and enthusiastic angler, the author shows his hobby with love and understanding. Bright and fun

Fowler by Vasily Perov

The painting “Birdies” was created by Vasily Grigorievich Perov in 1870. For writing the canvas was used canvas and oil. The scene depicted in the picture was noticed by the