Fowler by Vasily Perov

Fowler by Vasily Perov

The painting “Birdies” was created by Vasily Grigorievich Perov in 1870. For writing the canvas was used canvas and oil. The scene depicted in the picture was noticed by the artist during his walk through the autumn forest, therefore the picture can rightly be considered realistic.

The central place on the canvas is reserved for the young boy, who is still quite a boy and an old man with long gray hairs. The boy, apparently, the son of a rich landowner, sits on the grass, with one hand resting on his knee, and the other, holding a bird cage. His clothes are simple, but elegant, because the viewer has no doubt that it is he who occupies a leading position in this company.

Next to the boy, completely sprawled on sparse grass, lies an old man. He is dressed in a simple black shirt with bast shoes on his feet. The old man’s lips have a small pipe with which he tries to lure the bird. Carefully looking at the surroundings, you can see in the left corner of the picture a few skeins of flagella and snare for catching birds.

The young birder and his elderly traveler prepared thoroughly, they do not plan to return home without prey, so they wait patiently. The bird is necessary for them to decorate the house, it will not need anything and will gain freedom next spring, having spent the winter time in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The boy and the old man just perform an ancient custom, in which there is something mysterious and magical. They do not want to inflict evil on the pichugs, but only seek to protect them from the snowstorms and blizzards that are about to take over this land.

The environment surrounding the bird-catchers is similar to a fairy tale, which is not surprising, because this canvas was written by Perov in collaboration with the famous painter Savrasov, which was reflected in the beautiful age-old trees that made the background for this canvas.

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