Olive grove by Vincent Van Gogh

Olive grove by Vincent Van Gogh

The landscape work of Vincent Van Gogh was written in 1889 and represents a bright colorful post-impressionist response to the impressionistic manner of the image.

Two complex artistic methods in a special way were melted down and perceived by Van Gogh, who, with his creativity, strengthened and developed the post-impressionistic orientation in art.

“Grove Olive” is a bright and active picture not only from the point of view of its coloristic solution, but also in terms of the most artistic technique of drawing the main images and details. Such a kind of multi-color canvas breaks into our everyday, sometimes mundane perception and colors it with juicy colors, as if taken from fantastic dreams. In the picture two worlds merge: the world of the present and the world of dreams. Much of the picture resembles a bizarre unreal images, flowing from one to another silhouettes. Flowing contour lines, fantastic multicolored flashes, as if pulsating colorful streams, rough “hatching.”

The surface of the earth resembles a red-hot, measuredly turbulent lava. The space of the sky seems to cover the streams of starry rain. Like sparks of flame, these streams of jet energy come to us.

The image as if trembling, blazing in the surrounding space shattered abrupt colorful rays, captured and filled all around. The picture is so full of warmth that, it seems, already exudes it. In his own way he splashes out these surplus heat surpluses. The picture is soft, although it is full of variegated colors and brusquely painted strokes of paint.

The picture is accurately filled with rainbow reflections. Here, light and shadow intertwine, the color is bizarrely refracted, creating spaces of sparkling gleams, completely new, unlike anything in this world of gray stone and blind walls. This picture opens up space and directs it to infinity. These bright colors and lines-strokes, filled with inner strength, even in the new universe will always be noticeable, because this is not just a bright picture, it is a reflection of genius.

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