Gypsy Madonna by Titian Vecellio

Gypsy Madonna by Titian Vecellio

The name of the picture is conditional. Comes from the collection of the Erz-Duke Leopold Wilhelm Habsburg in Brussels. Like other paintings of this collection, after the death of Leopold Wilhelm was transferred to the Vienna collection of the Habsburgs. In the early twentieth century, some experts attributed it to Giorgione.

Currently, the authorship of Titian is recognized by all researchers of his work. There is a hypothesis that the underpainting was performed by Giorgione; X-ray radiography showed that in the process of work the image of the Madonna was somewhat changed. Monumentalized manner of painting allows one to date it by the time of writing the Paduan frescoes. In the city museum of Rovigo there is a copy with a late inscription: TITIANYS F.

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