Olive grove: the orange sky by Vincent Van Gogh

Olive grove: the orange sky by Vincent Van Gogh

Olive groves, wide fields, corners of the garden served as the main landscape motifs during the stay of Van Gogh in the hospital. He painted them at different times of the day and with a different state of nature, but each time he tried to convey not so much a resemblance as his emotions and feelings.

On this in the landscape he once again paints olive trees that grew nearby about the hospital. The artist was attracted by colors, which painted everything around the setting sun. The sky is composed of a variety of color strokes, from warm orange and yellow to greenish-blue and blue.

The orange color shifts to the soil, acquiring a shade of red ocher. With it contrast bright colors of lilac-blue shadows cast by trees. The olive caps on the squat black stems are heavily shaded. The bluish color of the leaves in the distance turns into a rich shade of ocher and green in the foreground.

Van Gogh partially uses the technique of pointillism, at the same time in the manner of performance, his author’s style is recognized, only to him. The sky is lined with even long strokes, and on the ground scattered strokes accurately emphasize the shapes of the hillocks of the soil, crowns of olives and their trunks.

The composition of the picture is balanced by smooth horizontal rhythms, the movements of the brush are organized and accurate. Once again, drawing a familiar motive, the artist managed to find in it something new and original, catching a fleeting and quickly gone state of nature.

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