This picture, the last of the works of Simone Martini that have come down to us, confirms his reputation as one of the greatest colorists in the history of Italian

This picture, the last of the works of Simone Martini that have come down to us, confirms his reputation as one of the greatest colorists in the history of Italian
The crucifixion of the Siena artist confirms the reputation of Simone Martini as a magnificent master of a fascinating and detailed pictorial story, able to set off the image of
Simone Martini – one of the most prominent masters of the Siena school of the XIV century. The art of Siena was influenced by the northern Gothic. Elegant, decorative, refined
The large fresco “Maesta” shines with light pink, yellow, blue, golden-green colors on a bright blue background. Under the canopy of a light pink canopy with scarlet and white tassels,
This most famous masterpiece by Simone Martini was performed for the altar of St.. Ansania in Siena Cathedral. The unearthly atmosphere of the Annunciation is highlighted by the brilliant golden
This picture shows the scene of the imperial honors of St.. Martin, a Roman warrior born in Pannonia. This episode is not in the life of the saint, so the
In the history of art, it became the first depiction of a specific historical event with a portrait of a contemporary. This portrait was the prototype of future equestrian monuments.
When Clement V, elected pope in 1305, moved the papal residence from Rome to Avignon, followed by artists. Simone Martini – perhaps the largest painter of the new papal court
In the great hall of the Siena Palazzo Pubblico opposite Maestà “Simone Martini depicted – also the entire width of the wall – the equestrian portrait of the famous condottiere