Madonna and baby with a blessing by Giovanni Bellini

Madonna and baby with a blessing by Giovanni Bellini

Painting by painter Giovanni Bellini “Madonna and Child with Blessing”. The size of the picture is 85 x 118 cm, wood, oil. The “Madonna” of the Venetian artist is a special theme in the work of the master. These paintings were created by Bellini not for the church interior, but for the chamber space of the house or private chapel.

The artist loves to depict the figure of the Blessed Virgin on the background of an open landscape, sometimes separating it with a piece of colored cloth, to the sides of which the viewer sees the outlying distances. Calmness, clear spirituality is characteristic of all the best works of the mature period of Bellini. Such are the numerous Madonna’s of the artist: for example, “The Madonna and the Saplings” or “The Madonna and the Baby with Blessing”, striking with the pleasing lightness of the painting.

In the landscape, not only the nature of the terraferm is truly conveyed – broad plains, soft hills, distant blue mountains, but the poetry of works and days of rural life reveals itself in terms of a gentle elegiac: a shepherd resting at his herds, a peasant standing at the well.

In this spring-cool cool landscape, so consonant with Mary’s quiet tenderness, calmly, reverently and solemnly holding the baby, that particular unity, inner harmony of the breathing of the life of nature and the spiritual life of man that is so typical of the Venetian painting of the High Renaissance has already been achieved. One can not help noticing incidentally that in the interpretation of the image of the most Madonna, which is of a somewhat genre character, Bellini’s interest to the pictorial experience of the artists of the Northern Renaissance is noticeable.