In the forest of Countess Mordvinova. Peterhof by Ivan Shishkin

In the forest of Countess Mordvinova. Peterhof by Ivan Shishkin

This impressive landscape with a human figure is a “portrait” of the neighborhoods of Peterhof and Oranienbaum. With the light hand of V. Stasov, who discovered these poetic places, Oranienbaum attracted the attention of artists.

Here in the 1880s, not once rented a cottage Repin, and in 1891 lived Shishkin, who created here two masterpieces – the presented work and landscape Mordvin oaks. By the way, the pilgrimage of artists here after this continued; at the very end of the 19th century Oranienbaum was very fond of working with “miriskusniki”. True, they were more interested in palaces and monuments of landscape art.

Whatever depicted the artist on the canvas – forest, river, field, lonely pine, for him nature was the very perfection, ennoblingly acting on a person. Presenting the viewer with the leisurely and majestic life of the Russian boron, the jungle of the forest wilderness, filled with the smells of tar and leaf-staining leaves, the artist did not miss a single detail and perfectly depicted everything: the age of the trees, their character, every needle and leaf, the soil on which they grow, and how the roots are exposed on the edges of the sandy cliffs, and how the boulders lie in the clear waters of the forest streams, and how sunlight spots in the crowns and grass glare.

“… We do not know another artist who possesses such an impeccable picture and who, with such truth, with such a passionate love for his native land and his work, would bring our Russian nature close to us to his canvases. forest, then Shishkin does not have any rivals in his image, “one of his contemporaries said about Shishkin.