Girl with a jug by Abram Arkhipov

Girl with a jug by Abram Arkhipov

The image of the Russian woman-peasant woman occupied the artist from his student years. Among the early works of Arkhipov are such heartfelt, with a wonderful realistic power written small sketches, like “The Old Woman with a Spinning Wheel,” “The Old Woman with a Bag on His Knees,” as well as genre paintings dedicated to everyday life and the joyless share of a peasant woman in tsarist Russia. But only in the Soviet era, the artist devoted himself entirely to this task and the image of a peasant woman took the leading place in the art of Arkhipov.

With young energy, with persistence and perseverance of searches, which are always characteristic of the artist, he writes colorful, cheerful portraits of blossoming, merry peasant women dressed in motley, elegant prints, full of unspent forces, health and peace of mind. Some of the best in the series of these portraits are “Girl with a Jug” and “Peasant in a Green Apron,” owned by the State Tretyakov Gallery. The face of “Girls with a jug” can not be called beautiful, but it attracts youth and cheerfulness.

The girl has bright clothes, making her whole appearance festive. An orange jacket, a pink apron and a red skirt give a very beautiful combination of hot, flaming colors. These colors sound even stronger, underlined by the dark stain of the wall and the intense blue of the enameled cup that the peasant woman holds. Beautifully written thread beads and watering a clay jug.

Lush sleeves, sweaters, a wide skirt hide the lines of the figure, but the shape is revealed, and very plastic, the face and neck are voluminously written. The colorful color of the portrait is justified and logical. It is one of the components of the disclosure of figurative content. The artist is pleased with the appearance of the blossoming village girl with a confident and bold look, conquering her spontaneity and cheerfulness. She for him – the personification of the strength, health and bright future of the people, awakened to an active and free life.