Diana and the nymphs by Jan Vermeer

Diana and the nymphs by Jan Vermeer

Painting of the Dutch painter Jan Vermeer of Delft “Diana and the Nymph”. The size of the picture is 98 x 105 cm, canvas, oil.

To the theme of the mythological story of Diana, resting after bathing in the stream along with her faithful companions-nymphs, and watching the nude beauties of the young Acteone, many artists of the Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque era turned in their work. Among them, Titian, Spranger, Eytewal and other painters.

In contrast to the sensual-erotic interpretation of the ancient myth in the canvas of Titian, the static picture of Vermeer, almost devoid of action, seems innocent and chaste.

In this picture of the early period of Vermeer’s creative work, the apparent influence of Rembrandt, the composition of the painting, and the dynamics of the movement and communication of the characters show that the young Vermeer imitated the art of the Italian masters of caravagism, possibly the work of Delft artist Leonart Bramer, who spent ten years in Italy.