August evening. The last ray. Ligachevo by Konstantin Yuon

August evening. The last ray. Ligachevo by Konstantin Yuon

A well-known Soviet artist, painter, and also a master of landscape – Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon. His favorite at times was summer, namely his last month. In the 20-ies Constantine Yuon buys a house in the village of Ligachevo. It was then that his theme of the August evening began. In 1984, the author wrote a painting called “The August Evening: The Last Ray.” Ligachevo. “

In the painting, the author painted the terrace of his native house in the evening before. The rays of the sun, which is about to hide behind the horizon, illuminate the wooden floor and furniture, beautiful flowers on the table and just fill the room with light and joy. In the center of the picture is a large table on which a white tablecloth is covered. On the table we see the preparation for tea: a samovar filled with tea and a cup beside it. Also our attention is attracted to a chic bouquet of flowers. In it there are flowers of different shapes and shades.

Looking at such beauty, even, it seems that you feel a sweet smell spreading all over the terrace. Near the windows and around the table are chairs, this indicates that the author liked to receive many guests on such warm summer evenings. Outside the windows you can see the garden. He painted the trees dark green, probably to prove that the summer is not yet ready to retreat.

The artist used warm colors in colors, mostly brown and green colors, only playing with shades. Details of the departing sun are very accurately conveyed in the picture. All shadows and illuminated places are visible. The whole room just shines with joy, warmth and light.

The whole atmosphere of the house depicted on the Ligachevsky canvas in the last August rays speaks of the warmth and comfort of this old wooden house. And although the author himself at the time was already over 70 years, the friendly atmosphere and a certain youth were preserved on the canvas. It is very poetic and cheerful. With its fury and simplicity, it warms the soul and makes you smile.

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