Annunciation to the shepherds by Jacopo Bassano

Annunciation to the shepherds by Jacopo Bassano

Apparently, during the life of the artist, this picture enjoyed almost the most popularity, than his rural scenes, – we have reached a huge number of repetitions of this composition. The author’s original submitted here, unfortunately, is very poorly preserved.

The top layer of paint has partially collapsed, the entire surface of the painting is covered with deep cracks. Naturally, this makes it difficult to assess the artistic merits of the canvas, but we can still read “the original design of the master.” In spite of the fact that the abundance of pastoral “details should bring the Annunciation to the shepherds to the pastoral, in its sound it tends more towards the majestic the Bassan altars of the 1560s, than to his rural scenes. Of great importance here, of course, is special coverage.

The marvelous light that cuts through the night darkness, coming from the evangelizing angel, not only gives the shepherds a special expression, but also, as it were, humanizes the meek muzzles of animals, reminding the viewer that next to the same cows and sheep, the Lamb of God was born that night. Snatching out one or another detail from the darkness, this sheaf of heavenly light all sets in motion, simultaneously joyful and alarming.