Alice Hoshede in the Garden by Claude Monet

Alice Hoshede in the Garden by Claude Monet

No, whatever you say, but nevertheless woman has always been, is and will remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and musicians, that is, for people of creative professions. Even if the image of a real woman sharply at odds with what arises in art, it doesn’t matter! She did the most important thing – she gave a push, woke dormant talents, that they had long been looking for their way out of the daze of everyday problems.

Claude Monet was married twice. His second wife was the widow of a collector of painting and a passionate admirer of the talent of the founder of impressionism – Alice Osheda. And if most of Monet’s landscapes, to which the artist had a special “weakness”, completely manage without the presence of people, then for his wife he made an exception. Summer, fragrant, blooming garden, a woman, conveniently located in a rocking chair at the table.

That’s all. What is so irresistible attracts to this picture? Of course, the skill of the author, color saturation and that characteristic “haze” or veil that distinguishes Monet among other fellow impressionists. Monet painted his wife in a light summer dress in white, in an elegant hat. She is very comfortable in the shadow of the sprawling branches. Next – pleasing flowers.