After bathing by Edgar Degas

After bathing by Edgar Degas

The work of Edgar Degas “After bathing” was written by the author at the age when a man can no longer be tempted or surprised. The artist’s experience explains the exact transmission of the female body, age-related nuances and changes. The heroine of the plot is still young. Her formed body is not so angular, knees are not sharp, and her shoulders have acquired a pleasant slowness. Hair collected in a neat and dense shell and have a copper color, untouched by gray hair. The features of her face are scarcely discernible, but the profile gives out a tightened chin and a thin neck. Probably, the girl is not yet thirty.

The room where the heroine Edgar Degas placed, looks like a laundry. Here heaps of white sheets, most likely of linen or cotton. On one of them was a barefoot woman. Her little fingers dug into a sponge or a piece of textile material and gently rub the damp skin. A funny pose opens a lonely pastime, in the room there is no one but the heroine herself. Litter that reigns in every corner, wrapped in a warm woman’s warmth. Even the back of the chair seems to be obese and greasy. Apparently, it is popular.

A warm gamut coexists with a dark turquoise color of the floor. Pastel, which is chosen by the artist as the main material, crumbled and exposed the scratched places of pink color. Paper aged and lost its former elasticity. Therefore, the image turned into a shabby piece of pastel painting, valuable for its age and authorship. Colorful crayons are not frequent guests in the hands of painters. The more interesting is the picture “After bathing”. Degas, using the unique property of pastels, lay down on paper, depending on the degree of depression or shading – it is brighter, then paler, masterfully manipulating color.

To work through the foreground, the author chose a shading, whiteing on the bare back, marking a glare from sunlight. But the long-range plan, for example curtains, has a clear outline of folds. “After bathing” – a picture with a domestic plot. It is understandable, due to what is in demand. Here you do not have to guess and guess. The author simply speaks the language of art with those who can also take a bath and enthusiastically wipe the drops and the remnants of soapy foam from their own body.

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