Adoration of the Magi by Paolo Veronese

Adoration of the Magi by Paolo Veronese

Painting Adoration of the Magi was written in 1573 as an altarpiece for the Church of San Silvestro in Venice. In it everything that Veronese has achieved as a mature master is already visible. Here we see a beautifully written, air-filled landscape.

With the parts of the crib in which Christ was born, the elements of ancient architecture with its arches, balustrades and capitals are unexpectedly harmonious. A ray of light that penetrates into this space from heaven, allocates from the mass of people and animals the figure of the young Madonna with the Child on her knees. An elderly man in red bent over to her, most likely it was St. Joseph. A young shepherd is holding a dog, watching with interest. On the other side of Mary are the kneeling wise men who came to the newly born Savior with gifts. In the background, their numerous retinue is crowded.

The artist took great care to show how luxurious their clothes are, especially Belshazzar, kneeling before Maria. The dissimilarity of warm and cold tones the artist achieves a strong color effect, which makes the canvas vividly decorative. In the subjects of the evangelical or biblical themes, Veronese, the favorite of Venice, writes his contemporaries – faces, their clothes and even their gestures. His paintings are fuller than the works of Titian, meet the tastes of ordinary Venetians.

As an artist, he is almost inferior to the great master, striking his ability to subordinate all the numerous details to the general design of the canvas. But in his works there is less philosophical reflection on the destinies of being, which captivates us in the pictures of Titian.

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