A small picture with yellow by Vasily Kandinsky

A small picture with yellow by Vasily Kandinsky

This picture refers to late improvisations, in which objectivity is practically absent. This is already a pure abstraction. It was written in Munich shortly before the First World War, forcing the artist to return to Russia.

Art critics like to say that the growing political instability of the pre-war time and the premonition of the catastrophe could not but affect the artist’s work. Indeed, the themes of the Last Judgment and the Apocalypse are a frequent plot of the works of the Kandinsky pre-war period. There is a well-founded opinion that the famous “Composition No. 7” is actually the quintessence of several previous works, including apocalyptic and biblical themes. Perhaps they are right.

In this emotional color vortex, it is possible to read the premonition of war. And you can have a presentiment of love. For example, what does “Yellow” mean in the title? And who can know what is going on in the soul of the artist, even if the whole world is flying around into the abyss? Often this question can not even be answered by himself.