A path in a field in willows by Vincent Van Gogh

A path in a field in willows by Vincent Van Gogh

The painting “A Path in a Field with Willows” was written in Arles. In the spring of 1888, Van Gogh worked extensively in the open air, creating many new canvases.

In this picture, the artist captured a simple and seemingly unremarkable motif. The wide field extends into the distance. Crossing the path goes into the depths of the canvas, capturing the viewer’s view behind him, past the low willows with a still transparent crown covered with spring buds, to several bright houses in the distance and the blue strip of horizon behind them.

The painting is written in an impressionistic manner. Van Gogh focused all his attention on the transmission of light and air. Because of the high horizon line, most of the picture is occupied by a field and a path, but an amazing variety of shades makes the simple motif extremely interesting.

The blue transparent spring sky is written with light strokes, which creates the impression of airiness. The landscape seems to radiate the spring atmosphere, which is felt when looking at the bright colors of the soil, the blue shadows of trees, wide, light-flooded expanses. Blue colors of the sky go to the field and grass. The artist paints the earth with multicolored strokes of contrasting colors, showing all the variety of shades of nature that awakens under the bright spring sun.

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