The edge of a wheat field with poppies by Vincent Van Gogh

The edge of a wheat field with poppies by Vincent Van Gogh

Drawing nature in the open air, the artist reflected in the landscapes of his state and emotional experiences. In this picture of 1887, written in Paris, the alarming pessimistic thoughts of the author were reflected. The edge of the field he made the personification of feelings, caused, perhaps, not the best position of his affairs.

The composition of the vertical landscape consists of two parts, disjointed in color, but united by a common emotional atmosphere of the canvas. The chaotic mass of spontaneous smears is a heavy blue sky. Wheat is tilting from a strong wind, the author writes it in rough straight powerful strokes. The picture is supplemented by a number of black trees, lifeless trunks which rise on the horizon, stretching to the sky their thin dry branches.

The color scheme of the painting is distinguished by a sharp contrasting combination of opposite colors. The sky is covered with cold, heavy clouds, through which the sunlight can barely be seen.

The artist writes the sky with thick ultramarine shades that contrast strongly with the hot yellow tones of the wheat field, gradually acquiring a reddish hue. Trees written with a fine brush are almost lost against a background of powerful blue strokes. In the foreground, the artist painted two bright poppies, which seem to sink in waves of swaying wheat.

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