Plowed field with the rising sun by Vincent Van Gogh

Plowed field with the rising sun by Vincent Van Gogh

In the spring of 1889, Van Gogh spent in the hospital for the mentally ill, which was located in the former monastery of Saint-Remy near Arles. The monastery was surrounded by wheat fields, the types of which the artist has repeatedly written from the window of his chamber. When the state allowed, he painted landscapes in nature from nature.

In this picture, Van Gogh captured a wide view of the plowed field with a number of hills in the background. The rising sun makes a simple landscape unusually beautiful. His huge disk just began to rise from the horizon, surrounded by a bright halo. Thanks to it, the sky sparkles and sparkles with many pure pastel shades – from warm yellow and pink to lilac. The distant hills become as if transparent, surrounded by a light blue morning haze.

Almost the whole space of the picture occupies a wide plowed field. The author uses the technique of fine smears of pure, unmixed colors. The green colors of the grass shimmer in combination with bright yellow, juicy-brown and azure hues. The author admires the beauty of the awakened nature, full of purity and freshness.

Love of nature saved Van Gogh from the most difficult thoughts and experiences, putting in order feelings and filling with vital energy. In his landscape, he seems to express this love, conveying a mood of peace and tranquility.

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