Wreath to the lover by Jean Honoré Fragonard

Wreath to the lover by Jean Honoré Fragonard

Painting of the French artist Jean Honore Fragonard “A wreath to his beloved”. The size of the picture is 318 x 243 cm, canvas, oil. It is the canvas of Fragonard from the series of paintings on the topic “Love pursuit” intended for decorating the interiors of the castle in Louvensien, the favorites of the French king Louis XV Madame Du Barry.

The daughter of the tax collector Marie-Jeanne Du Barry was a milliner, then settled in the house of Count D. Louis brought her closer to her, arranged her marriage with the brother of Count D. and in 1769 introduced to the court. Minister Choiseul vainly tried to overthrow it and caused it only its own fall. Although Dubarri did not interfere much in government affairs, she promoted the rise of the Duke of d’Aiguillon and supported him against the parliament. After the death of Louis XV Marie-Jeanne Dubarri was arrested and imprisoned in a monastery; but soon returned to her castle in Marley, where she continued to live with great splendor.

During the revolution, she helped emigrants and entered into relations with the followers of Brissot, for which she was tried and guillotined. Dyubari Marie-Jeanne Du Barry died without the usual firmness and stoicism at that time. Released under the name of Dubarri “Memoirs” are not genuine, but they contain a lot of interesting things.

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