White Turkeys by Claude Monet

White Turkeys by Claude Monet

In the history of art Claude Monet entered as one of the founders of impressionism. He studied in Paris in the workshop of Gleyre, attended the studio Suis.

However, the formation of the artistic method of Monet occurred mainly under the influence of live communication with young like-minded artists: Renoir, Basil, Sisley, Pissarro, who, like Monet, fascinated by the possibilities of open-air painting, discovered a new pictorial system called “impressionism.”

Unlike their predecessors, who worked in the open air, the Impressionists painted the painting itself, not sketches, under the open sky. They sought to convey the variability of the light-air environment, the variety of shades of color reflexes from the neighborhood with other objects, to catch not an instant of being, but to convey the variability of the world, to create the impression of a constantly changing nature. In 1872, Monet painted the picture “Impression. Sunrise.” The name of the picture and gave the name to the whole direction – “impressionism”.

The painting “White Turkeys” was first exhibited at the exhibition of the Impressionists in 1877 and is one of the most famous works of the artist. Other famous works: “Station Saint-Lazare”. 1876-1877. Curto Institute, London; “Rouen Cathedral at noon”, “Rouen Cathedral in the evening.” 1894. Both – the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow.

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