Wandering gymnasts by Pablo Picasso

Wandering gymnasts by Pablo Picasso

This is one of the most famous paintings of the “blue” period. The figures of the Harlequin cafe and his girlfriend sitting at the table form a compact group, but this compositional technique in this case is not intended to bring the characters together, but to emphasize the loneliness of each.

The face of a woman looking at the viewer with the corners of his mouth mournfully lowered and the sad eyes stare, the refined and mysterious profile of a man is both vital and timeless, resemble masks. The whole image is distinguished by the completeness and clarity of the hieroglyphic sign. In the guise of the characters emphasized subtlety and nervous tension, transmitted by the energetic curves of the lines.

In the composition there is an element of instability – the figures, as it were, slide into a corner of the picture. Before us are not just the outcast poor, but it is the roving comedians, Bohemians, people of art, whose life in its spiritual essence is opposed to bourgeois stability and well-being.

This work is one of the most colorful among the works of the “blue” period. The dominant blue and blue tones are complemented by bright golden-orange, red, terracotta and green.