The Martyrdom of Saint Justine by Paolo Veronese

The Martyrdom of Saint Justine by Paolo Veronese

Of particular importance after the Council of Trent were the subjects of the life of the saints. Usually artists chose those episodes from the lives in which the saints were tortured and persecuted.

The desire of the Catholic Church to strengthen the cult of the saints is more understandable – indeed, the Protestants rejected this cult. Veronese has written quite a few works of this kind. Among them – “The Martyrdom of the Saints Primol and Felitsian”, created in 1562 for the church of Santa Maria; “Martyrdom of Saint Justin”, which the master wrote in 1573 for the eponymous church in Padua, and “Martyrdom of the Holy Mina.”

The last of these works was, perhaps, completed by the students of Veronese after his death.

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