The lady in the rocking chair by Victor Borisov-Musatov

The lady in the rocking chair by Victor Borisov Musatov

A green glade with a light stripe in the upper part. Almost the entire plane of the picture is occupied by a black bent rocker with a forty-year-old lady in a dazzling white dress, lit by the midday sun. The head of the lady is just above the light strip in the clearing.

The meaning of the image is as follows. The dark green shadow of a lady is infancy. Above – a green childhood, with yellow chicken strips, a little higher – a dark “puddle” of children’s chagrin. The white band is love, joy with blue dreams and plans. Further blue plans somehow fade, vegetative-green forces darken, the yellow chicken is replaced by the yellow burning of autumn.

For the lady, a bright band of love and joyful days passed recently, and now she, closing her eyes from the blinding sun, remembers the past happy days.