The elevation of Suwanolai in Nippori by Utagawa Hiroshige

The elevation of Suwanolai in Nippori by Utagawa Hiroshige

The Shinto shrine of Suamemedzin was built at 1205, it was considered the guardian of two adjoining areas – Janaka and Nippori. From it opened a magnificent view of the village of Nippori, stretching from the south of the gate of the temple of Janak Kannoji to the elevation of Suva, where the sanctuary of Suwameji was. The temple itself does not depict Hiroshige, showing only the garden adjacent to it. A rather steep slope leads also to the villages of Asakusa and Mikavadzim, drowning in blooming cherry blossoms. Behind the rice fields, in the distance on the left rise the Nikko mountains and on the right – the two-headed Nuku Bayama. Suva’s sublime attracted a huge number of people who enjoyed cherry blossoms, as shown in the Hiroshige engraving.

In the gardens, flowers bloomed alternately throughout the year. It should be noted that often the artist did not follow the real proportions and outlines of mountains, it was important not so much for topographic accuracy as for the recognition of the terrain, which evokes a number of associations among contemporaries. In the south of the temple complex of Suvamezin was the temple of Dzekoin, famous for its beautiful winter landscapes. The second version of this engraving is redesigned. The dark blue strip in the foreground turns into the blue color of the road, continued in the background. In the first version, the distant plan has a green living. The dark red sky on the horizon turns into a dark blue strip of bokasi at the top.

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