The Creation of the Idol by Jim Burns

The Creation of the Idol by Jim Burns

Jim Burns is the most famous contemporary British illustrator of fantastic literature. Born Burns in Cardiff in 1948. He served in the Royal Air Force, but left the service and devoted himself entirely to art. After receiving a special education first at the Newport School of Art, then at St. Martin’s Art School in London, Burns illustrated books, mostly science fiction and painted posters for films.

The fascinating world of Jim Burns from the first minute captures the attention of the viewer, for a long time forcing to peer into the smallest details of the picture. The subjects of Burns’ paintings amaze with the depth of philosophical thought, the unexpected interpretation of events and their own view of what is happening on Earth as part of the universe. The work of Jim Burns “The Creation of the Idol” immerses the viewer immediately into the cosmic and ancient world, emphasizing the inseparability of these concepts. How insignificant is the life space of a man in the vast frozen world of the eternity of the Universe and the human being on the Earth is fleeting for a short time.

Trying to explain what the human mind can not grasp, people come up with idols. Creation of the image of an idol begins with a small, but time passes and in the minds of people the little god created by them turns into an infallible idol, in honor of which colossal temples and statues are built.

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