Thames and houses of the suburbs of Richmond by Antonio Canaletto

Thames and houses of the suburbs of Richmond by Antonio Canaletto

The painting was performed in a typical style for the artist – a voluminous panoramic canvas, in which architectural and natural elements occupy an important place, and people are depicted in the background as extras complementing the general picture of city life.

The canvas shows a view of the River Thames and London from the opposite side. In the distance, almost on the horizon, you can clearly see the dome of the famous cathedral, which, despite its miniature dimensions, is written exceptionally accurately. Also on the horizon line are clearly visible spiers of many city churches illuminated by the sun’s rays.

Feature of the picture is an image with a shifted focus – the artist was clearly much higher than the ground level, on some very high building. Thanks to this, not only the whole width of the river and numerous buildings got into his field of vision, but also a lot of different vessels on the Thames, as well as figures of idyllic ladies and their gentlemen walking about the embankment. The color scheme of the painting is impeccable – this is an exact reflection of a clean, warm day with a light haze of clouds on the horizon, clear air and pleasant warm weather.