In the 90s, Morisot’s style of painting received a new development, thanks in large part to Renoir, who remained a devoted friend. Now the composition for the artist occupies a more “honorable” place, and the work on the drawing represents a systematic process. Two artists working on similar motifs, create many paintings in the open air.
During this fruitful period, the painting Cherry was painted, representing the work, undoubtedly embellishing Morisot’s creativity. The upward movement is the moment observed in all the details of this composition: the figures of the girls with their arms raised upwards, the stairs, the format of the canvas, elongated vertically. The artist’s technique, characterized by chaotic smears, is also changed, and is subject to upward movement; noticeably, especially in the image of hair and dresses, that the brush worked vertically.
The most heavenly period of the year, when spring becomes almost “adult”, and summer is about to come into its own, passed perfectly through the use of pure color.
On the stairs stands Julie, whose age can be compared with this wonderful sometimes of the year, in the role of another model – her cousin Jeanne Gobillar.