Portrait of Francois Boucher by Gustav Lundberg

Portrait of Francois Boucher by Gustav Lundberg

Portrait of French artist Francois Bouche painted by the Swedish painter Gustav Lundberg. Portrait size 90 x 67 cm, canvas, pastel. Boucher Francois – French painter; Born in Paris on September 29, 1703. Studied with François Lemoine, Jean-François Cars, copied the works of Antoine Watteau. In 1734, Boucher illustrated a large edition of Moliere and executed one after another several collections of prints, such as “Cris de Paris”; “Livres de sijets et Pastorales”; “Eléments”; “Saisons” and others. In 1735, Francois Boucher was appointed Adjunct Professor, in 1737 a professor at the Academy. Between 1737 and 1740, François Boucher painted the following paintings: “Bachus Mercury Education”, “Aurora and Mullet” and “Venus, which is a part of the bathhouse” – paintings ordered for the Soubise Hotel.

Since then, the highly prolific activity of the artist Francois Boucher begins: he delivers the manufacture in Beauvais, printmakers and Chinese merchants who have just become fashionable, to lovers and the court a whole lot of cardboards, drawings and paintings, some of which, for example, ” The birth of Venus, Epic Poetry and History performed for the Royal Library, Diana coming out of the bathhouse and the Pastoral Scene are considered the best of his works.

In 1743, Francois Boucher was appointed opera decorator and directed the production of several ballets; Boucher also wrote decorations for the theaters of the Saint-Laurent and Bellevue fair and for amateur performances organized by the Marquis of Pompadour, his student and patroness. The immense amount of orders received soon, however, turned the works of this “Anacreon of Painting” into hastily made sketches, which the critic could not look favorably, although from time to time Bush was able to focus on such works as “Geniuses of Art” and “Latona on the Island Delos “,” The sun, which begins its way and expels the night. ” At this time, Bush, being in full splendor of glory and royal favor, received a pension and an apartment in the Louvre. In 1757, Francois Boucher exhibited a portrait of the Marquise of Pompadour,

In 1765, despite the death of the Marquise de Pompadour, who deprived him of such powerful protection, Bush succeeded, however, in obtaining the place of the first King’s painter, who became vacant after the death of Karl Van Lo. But the paintings relating to the last years of the life of the aged and bewildered the start of the classical reaction of François Boucher could not produce the same impression; however, despite this and not paying attention to the caustic critic Diderot, the Artist takes part in all exhibitions and does not leave the opera. The last work of Francois Boucher was the painting “Gypsy wagon train”, exhibited in 1769 and written shortly before his death. Francois Boucher died May 30, 1770.

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