Self Portrait by Camille Pissarro

Self Portrait by Camille Pissarro

Looking at the most famous self-portrait of Pissarro, created in 1873, it becomes clear why people jokingly called the artist the biblical names “Moses” or “Abraham.” It seems that the Old Testament prophet of respectable age is looking at the viewer from the canvas, while the painter turned 43 years old at that time.

In the asset Pissarro many self-portraits, and in their creation, he used oil and pencils, and gouache, but among the series of paintings of this genre, “Self-portrait”, dated 1873 year – the work is largely symbolic, because there are elements of his new style. The canvas is written a year before the First Impressionist exhibition. Landscapes of the second plan have a schematic depiction, but in their style it is noticeable that they meet a number of impressionistic criteria. In many ways, the author’s portrait face is written in his usual landscape tradition: a similar play of color and light, nothing more than a symbolic designation of depth, spontaneity.

In the technique of performing work, Cezanne’s influence is clearly noticeable, and the classical pose of the “model” corresponds to the traditions of painting that characterize Chardin’s work. As contemporaries Pissarro and Cezanne noted, the constant communication of two masters brought many benefits for French painting, and artists often depicted each other in their paintings.