River at noon by Ilya Ostroukhov

River at noon by Ilya Ostroukhov

A talented and versatile landscape painter I. S. Ostroukhov, in addition to drawing pictures, was also involved in collecting and museum work. He very subtly felt the beauty of art, liked to take individual lessons from other artists, and also led a friendship with many Russian painters. He traveled a lot.

Ostroukhova is very difficult to call a follower of Levitan, but many of his beautiful landscapes very much in common with the artist’s motifs. The painting “River at Noon” is just one of these motivational works. She makes remember the landscapes of Levitan.

His work is quite lyrical, but it is much more detailed than the works of Levitan. Every detail of his landscape Ostroukhov writes down to the smallest detail. Each blade of grass has clear lines, all the water lilies on the lake have a strict geometric shape, the trees are drawn to the smallest detail, and the reflection in the water is like a real one, not a painted one. At the same time, the artist miraculously managed to convey the dynamics of the flow, draw the river bottom and quiet wave patterns to the smallest details. Each flower painted by Ostroukhov is alive.

At the same time, the artist chose a classically Russian motive for his landscape. Here there is a traditional combination of points of view in the composition. This allows the author to cover the widest reversal of space, giving the image a synthetic touch.

In his composition, the author immortalized the landscape near the station Krukovo-Dmitrievskaya, located just outside Moscow. Such a colorful Russian nature, combining both the river, decorated with a pattern of small water lilies, and fields gilded with spikelets, and trees casting a mighty shadow, made this landscape a traditional Russian image.

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