Resurrection by El Greco

Resurrection by El Greco

The painting “Resurrection” was written by El Greco for the side altar of the church of Santo Domingo el Antiguo, probably in 1577-1579, immediately after the completion of the Central altar image. The obligatory image on the canvas of St. Idelfonso, patron of Toledo, was mentioned in the treaty.

Probably in the image of St. Idelfonso the artist presented a portrait of the customer – Don Diego de Castilla, the dean of the Cathedral in Toledo. The figure balances the composition depicting the supernatural scene of the appearance of the risen Christ before the Roman soldiers guarding His tomb. The rhythm of color spots, the poses of frozen figures, all their gestures, the bends of the white cloth, the folds of the garments, the edges of the stone blocks – everything is carefully balanced, adjusted to the general compositional concept.

The light figure of Christ seems to float above the heavy human figures in the armor, above the masses of stones. However, pale and luminous, His figure is still material and is in real space. All these features disappear in a later work on the same subject.

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