Reapers by Kazimir Malevich

Reapers by Kazimir Malevich

The founder of Russian abstractionism Kazimir Malevich left a big mark on art. In addition to painting, Malevich studied philosophy, including the philosophy of art.

Kazimir Malevich’s painting “Reapers” refers to the so-called “peasant” period of the artist’s creative activity. In addition to this canvas, during this period were written “The head of a peasant” and other works. The painting “Reaper” depicts three women in a field during the harvest season. The artist tried without embellishment to convey the usual rural peasant life, the burden of labor in the field. This is all read on the face of the woman in the foreground. On the left, the artist depicted the shadow of a tree in which women can find shelter from the scorching sun.

In the background, the artist depicted the Nikolsky Church in the village of Romashkovo, where he loved to go and work. The artist even bequeathed to bury himself in those places, so it is possible that his grave reveals the same look that is depicted in the painting “Reapers”.

Kazimir Malevich with great attention approached the image of peasant life. He considered impossible the peasant life without religion and icons, that is why in his paintings of the peasant cycle the influence of the principles of Russian icon painting is felt.