Portrait of my father with a pipe by Salvador Dali

Portrait of my father with a pipe by Salvador Dali

El Salvador’s father was a strict, authoritarian man, who, for many years, tried to send a rebellious son down to renunciation.

Although over the years they have reconciled for a while, their relationship has always been difficult. Dali believed that the father more loves the firstborn, who died before his birth. The artist wrote that “when he looked at me he saw me and my double.” In his eyes I was half a man, half something bigger. “

The work depicts Dali the eldest, sitting in casual clothes, in his hands a pipe. In earlier portraits, he is depicted in an official dark suit in a proud pride, staring into the distance. These differences indicate that this work is more personal. The figure looks at the viewer with a steadfast gaze. Because of the position of his head, it seems that he condemns his audience.

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