Portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein

Portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein

English King Henry VIII, with whom he linked his fate Holbein, was an extremely controversial figure.

Nature generously endowed Heinrich, endowed with excellent abilities for languages, sciences and especially music. The King played three instruments, struck a beautiful voice and wrote instrumental pieces – about 30 of his works reached us. The 38-year rule of Henry VIII was remembered by many events, but, first of all, by the fact that the king for this time was replaced by six wives, and two of them were decapitated by his personal order.

Presented “Portrait of Henry VIII” – the only surviving of all the portraits of the king, created by Holbein. Ornaments, sewing and buttons on the portrait are made of real gold, and the background is painted by a blue pigment, ultramarine, precious for those times.