Portrait of Francesco Ascani by Karl Bryullov

Portrait of Francesco Ascani by Karl Bryullov

With extraordinary truthfulness and frankness, Bryullov recreates the image of the lawyer F. Ascani, whose hospitality he had to use while wandering around Italy.

Without embellishment and idealization, he conveys the face of an old Ascani, known for his adherence to the cult of Bacchus: a puffy, red face with a misty look from under heavy eyelids, a fleshy nose, scattered strands of gray hair scattered in disorder. The image of a good-natured and weak-willed person is vividly and directly recreated by the artist.

In his characteristic, at this time, manner, Bryullov tactfully and convexly sculpts the shape with a broad, juicy brushstroke, enhancing his color tone to better characterize the image of Ascani. Using the shape of a breast portrait inscribed in an oval, Bryullov highlights the face with a strong sharp light, immersing everything else in the shadow.

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