Portrait of Dr. Alfons Leroy by Jacques Louis David

Portrait of Dr. Alfons Leroy by Jacques Louis David

Painting of the French painter Jacques Louis David “Portrait of Dr. Alfons Leroy”. The size of the picture is 73 x 93 cm, canvas, oil. A copy of this portrait, almost identical in size, is kept in the Fabre Museum in Montpellier. Portrait of Dr. Alfons Leroy is considered, perhaps, the best in the portrait gallery of the master’s works.

The painter portrayed Leroy in a turban in a poorly furnished room, making notes in the process of studying the work of Hippocrates “Female Diseases.” The famous gynecologist Alphonse Leroy gives the impression of an ascetic genius immersed in scientific work. Actually, the 1780s-1790s were marked by a particularly intensive work of the artist Jacques Louis David in the portrait.

In portraits, David’s brush is incomparably simpler and more attractive than in the paintings, and most of its shortcomings fade before imitation of nature, not baffled by preconceived principles. As the best works of Jacques Louis David in the portrait genre, you can point to the portraits of Joubert and Leroy, Ms de Sorsi, the Marquise de Olivier, the father of Fidelier, Pecul, Boissy-d’Angle, Madame Recamie, General Gerard and especially Pope Pius VII.

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