Portrait of Madame Emilia Serizia by Jacques Louis David

Portrait of Madame Emilia Serizia by Jacques Louis David

Painting of the French painter Jacques Louis David “Portrait of Madame Emilia Serizia”. The size of the picture is 131 x 96 cm, canvas, oil. Among the best creations of David are portraits of a revolutionary period, including “Self-Portrait” and “Portrait of Madame Emilia Serizia with her Son.” With the name of David, the tradition connects the portrait of the “Green Woman”. Her insightful look, concentration, readiness for action, and struggle give her the features of a brightly typical image of a woman from the people. Filled from nature, a sketchy sketch of “Queen Maria Antoinette before execution” borders on satire and ruthlessly debunks the haughty austrian woman hated by the French people.

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