Portrait of Madame Henrietta de Verniniac by Jacques Louis David

Portrait of Madame Henrietta de Verniniac by Jacques Louis David

Painting of the French artist Jacques Louis David “Portrait of Madame Henrietta de Verninjac”. The size of the portrait is 145 x 112 cm, canvas, oil. Actually, the full title of the picture “Portrait of Madame de Verninhac, nee Henriette Delacroix, the elder sister of the artist Eugene Delacroix.”

After the Thermidorian coup and the execution of Robespierre, David had to renounce his political convictions and renounce his social activities. The nature of his art is changing. Disappointed by the defeat of the revolution, losing faith in the struggle for justice, the artist goes into a world of ideal beauty. His conciliatory moods found expression in the painting “The Sabine girls stop the battle between the Romans and the Sabines” – a model of masterful, but cold, classic art of the early 19th century.

At the same time, David wrote a series of portraits of his relatives and people close to him, including the portrait of Madame Henrietta de Verninjac.

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