Portrait of Christina of Denmark by Hans Holbein

Portrait of Christina of Denmark by Hans Holbein

Christina of Milan – the youngest daughter of the King of Denmark Christian and Isabella of Habsburg, the niece of the Emperor Charles V. Issued for eleven years married to the Duke of Milan, Francesco Maria Sforza, at the age of 13 she was widowed. When Henry VIII was going to marry for the fourth time, Christina was one of the contenders.

However, Henry chose Anna Cleves. After 8 years, Christina remarried for the duke of Lorraine Francois. In this marriage, three children were born. But nevertheless the girl and was not happy – her marriages were by calculation, nobody asked her, she was simply given out in marriage. The portrait is written on an oak board. Here it is depicted at the moment of widowhood.

On a dense green background, a young pretty woman in a black velvet dress, fur-lined, is depicted. She looks at us with sadness. Bright spots are on the canvas of her face and hands. In all appearance of Christina Danish, the sadness of early widowhood is felt. The artist certainly treats her with sympathy.

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