Pond in the park. Olshanka by Vasily Polenov

Pond in the park. Olshanka by Vasily Polenov

Polenov, by the very fact of birth, had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with the “noble nests” of the 19th century. So, unforgettable for him were trips to Olshanka of the Tambov province, to the estate of his grandmother on the mother VN Voeikova. Vera Nikolaevna was the daughter of the famous architect of the Catherine time N. Lvov. And not only an architect, but a poet, musician, artist – that is, a person who took an active part in shaping the noble culture of Russia.

VN Lvova, early orphaned, was brought up in the house of G. Derzhavin, biasedly interested in Russian history, knew perfectly well – from the presentation of her father, the collector of Russian folk songs – Russian folklore. She had something to tell her grandchildren, she knew how to play with them, V. Polenov loved her very much. It was here, in Olshanka, that he made the first attempt to create a lyrical landscape. In 1877, in the year of his move to Moscow, on the eve of the appearance of works that brought him real fame, Polenov painted the picture “Pond in the Park. Olshanka”.

There is already an image of a running park, there are lushly growing greenery, there is a manor house in the background. Narrative is achieved not by “reviving” the landscape with living people, but, as it were, indirectly, by the contrasting comparison of the nature and creation of human hands.

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