Scenario and life of some school. A group of students plays cards. Four boys are dressed in clothes that correspond to the good wealth of their parents, and only two boys are dressed simply – in peasant shirts. They are not trimmed too neatly, while other boys are very neatly trimmed and combed.
When you look at the picture at once there is a difference in appearance and, of course, in the position of these students of the school. We played on an improvised table, which was made of two benches and the planks laid on them. They sat right on the floor around this table. The game was, apparently, not too fair. Here is one of the ordinary boys standing aside, wiping away tears. What happened? He was accused of cheating? Or has he lost money, is he demanding a card debt?
In the center of the plot are two: a boy in a crimson shirt, resting his finger on the map, demandingly addressed the question to another man dressed in a gray uniform caftan. We do not know the question, but he clearly does not like the one to whom the defender addressed. And he does not know how to answer. A boy who protects a friend does not croon before a rich player, and he demands justice in resolving the conflict. The artist shows that despite the situation in society, despite the lack of a large income, you must always defend your human dignity, be able to protect your rights.