Paris from the window by Marc Chagall

Paris from the window by Marc Chagall

The painting was painted at the end of the artist’s first period of stay in France. After a few years, he nevertheless turned his attention to the French capital.

The view from the window shown here will later become typical of Chagall. He symbolized a view of the external reality from within, the unity of the home and the world.

In the 1910s, the Eiffel Tower impressed Chagall. In his eyes, it was not so much the personification of technical civilization as the new Tower of Babel, this time capable of reaching mystical heights. In “Paris from the window,” her aspiration into the sky emphasizes and once again confirms the window frame, which looks like a ladder. As always, the images created by Chagall combine the real and the surreal, and in their illogicality has its own internal logic.

The main theme of the picture is the duality and unity of the world: flowering plants, born of earth, and a multifaceted, bottomless sky, men and women, man and animal, internal and external vision embodied in the image of two-faced men like Janus.

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