Nymph by Berkeley Shaw

Nymph by Berkeley Shaw

Although most of the early works of Berkeley Shaw focused on the themes of science fiction and fantasy, the range of his creative interests is extremely wide: from painting and sculpture to digital images, from three-dimensional images to multimedia technologies. His work was reflected in both painting and sculpture, along with his active interest in animation and music projects.

Along the way, Shaw improves his skills in computer graphics, especially in the multimedia programs that interest him. Publisher Friedlander has released a collection of interactive art maps, including the works of Berkeley Shaw in the field of fantasy and science fiction.

The computer software includes a series of screensavers on the theme of nature from the collection of works by the artist. The objects of the artist’s attention are often the inhabitants of mysterious sea depths: bright fish, bizarre seaweed, coral thickets, as in his picture “Nymph”.

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