Song of Cecilia by Berkeley Shaw

Song of Cecilia by Berkeley Shaw

The art of Berkeley Shaw is unique and novel. His amazingly surreal images and subtle style create their own world in illustrative art. Pictures of Berkeley Shaw received high awards Chesley and several awards Hugo, his original artwork exhibited in museums and galleries, in exhibitions of paintings in the field of science fiction and exhibitions of creativity of fantasy artists.

Currently, the Berkeley Shaw studio provides high-quality computer graphics and three-dimensional animation support for administrative government and research institutions, as well as support for computer graphics programs commissioned by individuals.

In Berkeley Shaw’s “Song of Cecilia,” the islands in the middle of the ocean are depicted, according to legend, emerging from nowhere on the way of the ships. Sweet-cheeked girls with divine singing entice seamen to their island, lulling their vigilance with a charming voice and attracting sorcery beauty. Such a gentle trap for seafarers. Forgetting about duty, family and homeland, sailors, as if in a dream, live on the islands in bliss and idleness for many years.

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