Mary, Sister of Lazarus, meets Jesus Christ, going to their house by Nikolay Ge

Mary, Sister of Lazarus, meets Jesus Christ, going to their house by Nikolay Ge

Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha, lived in Bethany, a village near Jerusalem. Mary and Martha often offered hospitality to Jesus Christ, and he especially loved Lazarus as a brother. Christ prophetically learned about Lazarus disease, and then about his death. Then he decided to resurrect a friend and went to Mary and Martha in Judea, despite the danger. Mary goes out to meet Christ and very much hopes that he will be able to resurrect his brother.

Christ ordered the stone to fall off, under which lay Lazarus, but Maria said that the body is already decomposed. But Christ Causes the dead to say: “Lazarus, go away!” And Lazarus walks out, wrapped in swaddling clothes and legs, with a face covered with a funerary board. Christ orders to untie him. So Lazarus was resurrected.