Nana by Edouard Manet

By today’s standards, the rebel from Mane did not know what – modern tabloids still do not show us every day, however, at the end of the 19th century, the

Cafe interior by Edouard Manet

Many canvases by French artists of the second half of the 19th century, including Edouard Manet, depict various scenes and scenes taking place in a cafe. Indeed, at that time

In the greenhouse by Edouard Manet

In 1879, Edouard Manet wrote the work “In the Greenhouse”, which now belongs to the visual collections of the National Gallery of Berlin. The picture is distinguished by a catchy

Rocks in Etretat by Claude Monet

After traveling along the Norman coast, undertaken by Monet in 1882-1883, the painting “Rocks in Etretat” was created. The artist did not stop searching for new techniques in painting, and

House in Ruel by Edouard Manet

The painting “House in Ruel” was created by Manet in 1882. From the late 1870s, the artist increasingly felt unwell and pain in his legs and back. But later the

Arzhantey by Edouard Manet

Arzhantey – a picture that is filled with sunlight, the breath of the warm wind, the fresh smell of water. A woman is a constant model Mane at that time

In the boat by Edouard Manet

Considering one of the founders of impressionism, E. Manet did not finally accept his theoretical attitudes. Summer 1874, the artist is in Arzhantey – “the small capital of impressionism.” Working

Haystacks by Claude Monet

Walking around Giverny, the usual haystacks attracted the attention of Claude Monet, and he decided to portray them in different lighting conditions. He immediately sent his adopted daughter Blanche for

Absinthe Lover by Edouard Manet

Who knows if Manet could have become one of the founders of impressionism if his teacher, painter Tom Couture, did not call the film “Absintheater” – “vile.” But the young