Boat Studio Claude Monet by Edouard Manet

Boat Studio Claude Monet by Edouard Manet

Manet liked to communicate with the Impressionists in the Batinol café; He was interested in their experiments with lighting, but he never associated himself with the group. Mane Manili laurels officially recognized by the artist. He did not want to be a marginal genius. “I will never agree to exhibit in the first available shack,” he wrote, “and I will always fight for my right to enter the Salon from the main entrance.”

The style of Manet is very different from the style of the Impressionists. He loved the black color rejected by the Impressionists, wrote in long and smooth strokes, and preferred to work in a workshop rather than in nature.

True, in 1874 he went to Arzhantey in the summer, where he wrote with Monet and even depicted him at work. But this joint work in no way violated the compositional traditionalism characteristic of Manet.

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