Nana by Edouard Manet

Nana by Edouard Manet

By today’s standards, the rebel from Mane did not know what – modern tabloids still do not show us every day, however, at the end of the 19th century, the painter’s canvases caused a lot of reproaches. Particularly annoying to the public were the paintings “Breakfast on the Grass” and “Olympia”, they say that the honorable public did not hesitate to spit on the canvases.

Another famous scandalous canvas – “Nana”, which the author finished in 1877. Manet turned his sharp-sighted gaze to the woman’s toilet, which means that he invaded the forbidden and highly intimate zone. The model was a well-known personality – the cocotte Henrietta Hauser, who was known throughout Paris and was credited with having a relationship with the Prince of Orange.

The girl is depicted at the moment when she is almost finished dressing – a corset, emphasizing the waist, is put on tightly over her snow-white bottom shirt. Legs in stockings open almost to the knee.

In addition to being presented to the public by the half-dressed Henrietta, the effect of “indecency” is complemented by the figure of a man on the right side of the canvas. He is free to sit on the couch and holds a cane in his hands, and although the image is very cropped, the viewer may notice how freely he feels in the same room as the dressing woman. Here, even the most unsightly viewer will understand – the lady of half light in front of him.

From the point of view of color, the entire canvas is built on a contrasting combination of cold dark colors and light warm shades. The picture is replete with many details.

The work of Manet turned out to be very vivid, lively and unusual, which consisted in the subject of the plot, and in particular technology, and in the compositional construction. It is not surprising that the painter wanted to submit his work to the court of the Salon’s commission. However, such a bold canvas was denied exposure, which dealt a huge blow to the artist. Mane was very upset by the criticism of his picture, and biographers emphasize that it was from this failure that the problems of the master with health began.

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